Accurate Pesticide testing is necessary to ensure that medical cannabis, industrial hemp and CBD products are contaminant free and safe for human consumption, Cannabiz Labs offers pesticide testing using state of the art technology, methodology and instrumentation that identify trace levels of hazardous compounds used during cultivation.
Pesticides are generally analyzed by LC–MS/MS using electrospray ionization (ESI); however, atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) may be required depending on the regulations being followed. In some cases, APCI has replaced traditional GC–MS/MS methods.
Description: Testing your hemp products for pesticides is extremely important for consumer safety – and for your brand. With our methods and our triple-quad LCMS, we are able to detect and quantify 60+ pesticides – many at levels as low as 5 parts per billion – ensuring that your hemp flowers and hemp-derived products meet your quality standards and your cGMP acceptance criteria.