Chief Operating Officer at Cannabiz Labs, responsible for day to day operations.
With over 20 years of professional business experience, Rena brings expert level Management Analytics, Program Control Analytics, Data Driven Metrics Analysis, and business management to Cannabiz Laboratory.
With extensive experience in business negotiations, finance and operations, Rena will be responsible for all daily business operations, personnel and finance. She has a solid reputation and is a subject matter expert within business management. With a proven record for dealing with top level officials, working on Capitol Hill and holding positions in both the private sector and the Federal Government, to include multiple Fortune 500 companies, to include positions with the Deputy Secretary of the Navy Energy Office (Pentagon), Naval Budget and Personnel Office (BUPERS), the Navy International Programs Office (NIPO), Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NAVEODTECDIV), multiple senior government civilians, military officers and an United States Presidential Appointee.